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Guangzhou Golden Light Co.,Ltd

Flexible LED lighting indoor lights lamp solar lawn lights outdoor projection lamp underground lamp lawn projection Grille Ceiling Lamp LED Underwater Light LED Strobe Light Bulb LED High Power LED lighting LED wall washer light LED Number of slabs

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Рекомендованный продукт
Guangzhou Golden Light Co.,Ltd located in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, is a professional enterprise producing LED application products. The company was established in 1996, in a variety of LED application products development, production and marketing and other fields with years of experience. Especially in terms of LED lighting alternative to a more rich experience. We have for our customers in Japan and France, development and production of a variety of LED lighting products, by customers. As a leading manufacturer of LED application products, we will make every effort to provide customers with cheap poor quality of LED products. [точная информация]